I Am Applied

I Am Applied

by Jules Baslyk

Part 1

Configuring our skies, containing our massive
Observed by our ancestors, arranged by their instincts
They are the energy, they are the engines
For the stars shine brightly, arranged by minds before here and now
Connected the ways before this life, this living
Directed a peoples before our discoveries, our designations
And as an artist, they inspire and intrigue me
As art invests, invents, invites
As my brush becomes, it believes in me
My paint performs me, my canvas creates me
As I am applied by the constellations, and the stars apply me through their wonders
I am applied by the suns, the worlds, and their wrath
For the mysterious to be studied, an enigma to be engaged
The telescopes train, the satellites secure
The rockets realized now, the engines enjoyed now
But I still paint my pictures, to discover a distant
I enter the dimensions, I explore the vast
I play with the multiverse, I fly out of the universe
My colours bestow me, my forms finalize me
I choose to create, I choose to paint
And I do not apply, I am applied
As I am invested in it, it is invested in me
As I colour it, it colours me
The starlight from a distance alights
So witness, and welcome it
And from the past are we withered, from the platforms do we weave
I am designated to go there, towards the constellations, the creations

Part 2

So the deep to be delivered, and myself delivered to it
The drastic encountered, the journey surmounted
I travel there to grow, I’ll be trained by its role
I will try my techniques, and lie by its fleet
I'll produce from its productions, I'll design from its descriptions
It will bring me to its treats, its feathers and its beaks
Its morphing and its moods, its massive and its modes
Its abundance and its endurance, its experiments and its fluence
I go there to find, and to create by its kind
I go there to form, and to figure from its storms
I go to escape myself, I go to entrap myself
And I must search through the vast, through the multiple emergements
I must find a difference within, I must study an esoteric without
I leave this Earth, I leave this entity
I leave the world now, so I become
I escape this reality, to trance a formality
To discover, to distinguish, to delight a world through this flight
For the universe is open, and the dimensions shown
The galaxy is moving, the system is proving
And I need not a rocket, I need only my sockets
I need not a ship, I need only a script
I need not technology, I need only biology
And I need not the speed of light, I need only to conquer a plight
From through the mind it can be heard, through the hand it is well held
Through art it can truly start, through paint it is surely shown
Through paintings I only plant it, through stories I only rant it
By the brain, and my beginnings that do land it, that send it and program it
By my strain, the outer surroundings
The worlds, the planets to pronounce it
The discoveries, these descriptions to astound, and to command it
The multiples to perform it, the many to conform, to confirm it
And the stars, the stairways to secure it

Part 3

And the stars still confined by space, their light still flung through time
The world hit by them at last, its workings are fit to grasp
To know it is to observe it, to feel it is to fill, and to form it
For space, a specialty, and time, a tale
People a product of it, the purpose, our pleasing
Our beings born into it, a birth only brought through it
The Earth alive, its nature achieved
And as it holds us, we are heightened
As we understand it, we are understood through it
As we investigate it, we invest in ourselves
And as I create, I do not apply it, rather, it applies me
As I perform, it does not benefit from me, I benefit from it
As I paint, as I draw, I render
I do not paint it, I do not draw it, I do not render it
It renders me, I am figured by its features
As an artist I do not apply, rather, I am applied through it
In these ways I don't paint water blue, or leaves green, or the sun yellow
Rather, the blue is what paints me, the green is what performs me, and the yellow is what is realized inside of me
And for me thus to put myself on a canvas through these energies
To better understand by these truths
And therefore to understand humanity, and to equate solutions from it
As the river does not admire me, I admire the river
The bees do not admire me, I admire the bees
The world does not admire me, I admire the world
And the universe doesn't admire me, I admire the universe
Hereto art does not admire me, but I must surely admire art
For the stairways to the stars, and to study from its steepness
This is my goal, my groomer, my jurisdiction and my journey
So I must create, to create myself
I must apply myself, for it to apply me
And I must admire my surroundings, in order to admire myself

Part 4

And the constellations connect each other, the stars, our strength
As without them, we wouldn’t be
Without their powers, and their products, we would not have sprung
The Earth wouldn’t breathe, it wouldn’t have evolved
If the variables never aligned, we would never have been designed
And as the galaxy grooves, its elements extend
Its powers have traveled amongst the eons, the ages
Its worlds mixed, the stars stretched, its significance’s stirred
As we are all connected through the universe, we are all connected through a swirl
We are all dependent on a massive, we are only a product of its truths
We live through its luxuries, we give through its beneficiaries
The universe our wealth, the world our wonder, the galaxy its groomer
The solar system our security, the mights maintained
The past, the future, the present our place, and our partaking
As what we perceive is what the colours do weave
What we perform in is what the planet provides
What we construct is what the forms deduct
And here as I am, I do not apply, rather, I am applied
Still, my lines, I do list them, my forms, I do figure them
But as the universe is organized, I am only so localized
I am contrived, I am derived, I am alive through it
I breathe by the world, I believe in a beauty, a brightness
I animate its abundance through the ways I perform, I paint
But I apply what has originated inside of it, I am only a creator through it
So I do not create, rather, I am creative
As colours are a universal objectivity, they are much older than my body
And formations allowed by its activity, the universe holds our truths
It is myself that has been applied, and the universe that applies
As I render a colour I am not its creator, rather, it has always existed before me
I am merely pronouncing a universal energy, I am benefiting from its everlasting existence
As I admire the colours, the colours don’t admire me
I admire the forms, the forms don’t admire me
I admire the galaxy, the galaxy doesn’t admire me
And I admire the natural, the natural doesn’t admire me
I am a product of it, I do not produce it
I am just a tiny piece within it, it is all around and all over
All I know is it, but there surely exists elsewhere
For we are locked inside space, we are dictated by time
And to imagine elsewhere is to flirt with insanity, we cannot see beyond
But here I am as a creative, here I am to create
Here I am to paint, here I am to perform
And here I am to be applied, as I am to attain

Copyright by Julian Baslyk